Welcome to RSSHub!

If you see this page, the RSSHub is successfully installed and working.

Everything is RSSible

Debug Info
Git Hash: unknown
Cache Duration: 300s
Request Amount: 1372
Request Frequency: 0.023 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 0.80%
ETag Matched Ratio: 58.24%
Health: 78.28%
Uptime: 998.81 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 1097 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
55 /zhihu/people/pins/:id
16 /
1 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
1 /robots.txt
Hot Paths: 1189 /bilibili/user/dynamic/397672
99 /favicon.ico
55 /zhihu/people/pins/chang-gong-50-4
17 /
10 /logo.png
1 /telegram/channel/NewlearnerChannel
1 /robots.txt
Hot Error Routes: 242 /bilibili/user/dynamic/:uid/:routeParams?
36 /zhihu/people/pins/:id
1 /telegram/channel/:username/:routeParams?
Hot Error Paths: 261 /bilibili/user/dynamic/397672
36 /zhihu/people/pins/chang-gong-50-4
1 /telegram/channel/NewlearnerChannel

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Made with ❤️ by DIYgod and Contributors under MIT License.